Know Your Voice Lead With It
Dia Bondi helps transformational leaders develop a distinct leadership voice to carve a path for their future.

Dino Anderson,
Cultural Capital Architect and Chief Culture Officer

The Transformational Voice Intensive – Turn your leadership voice into a strategic asset. Applications open for the next LIVE Intensive
21 things you can do right now to elevate
the impact of your voice
Meet Dia
You probably haven't heard of Dia Bondi and there's a reason for that. Dia is the secret advantage for leaders and founders across industries helping them define their voice and lead with it.
She worked with Rio de Janeiro to win the right to host the Summer Olympics and catalyzes leaders and founders to speak powerfully securing hundreds of millions in decisions and resources.
Her impact hobby of fundraising auctioneering turned into a passion project titled Ask Like an Auctioneer: How To Ask For More and Get it. Her winning combination of a talk, workshop and book strives to accelerate one million women by guiding them to ask for more and get it.

Project: Ask Like an Auctioneer
After attending auctioneering school as a fun adventure, Dia developed an impact hobby of fundraising auctioneering and quickly saw how the mental model, tools and frameworks of that impact hobby useful to help us ask for more and get it. She quickly turned her experience into high-impact speaking programs, a TED Editors Pick TEDx and now a book. This bold approach flips traditional thinking on asking and combines her 20 years as a communications coach to help you make the kinds of asks that can change everything. The goal? Help 1,000,000 women—and anyone—ask for more and get it.